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Glacier melting on Zugspitze


New themed trail, information film and free guided tours to raise awareness among visitors

Garmisch-Partenkirchen/Grainau. The Nördliche Schneeferner glacier on Zugspitze and its steady melting is a clear indicator of global warming.
The Bayerische Zugspitzbahn Bergbahn AG (BZB) transports guests from all over the world to Zugspitze, right next to the dying glacier. In this context, the BZB also sees itself as having a duty to its many guests: to inform, raise awareness and educate them about the condition of and changes to the Nördliche Schneeferner glacier. The aim is for guests to return to the valley with more knowledge.

No eventization or amusement park but educational offers

The topic of "Glacier melting on Zugspitze" is arousing great interest among guests. Many families want to take the opportunity to show their children the glacier that still exists. 
Information boards along the glacier and free guided glacier tours, which take place three times a day, inform guests about the glaciers at Zugspitze. The changes and increasing rate of melting due to man-made climate change are covered as well as visible traces from the last ice age, erosion phenomena and glacier characteristics. The content of the information boards was developed in collaboration with the Schneefernerhaus and glaciologist Prof. Dr. Wilfried Hagg.

In addition to the glacier trail, there are free guided tours along the glacier three times a day, led by glacier guides (employees of the Bayerische Zugspitzbahn). This is a unique offer from a mountain railway company in the Alpine region. Guests gratefully accept this information service, ask lots of questions and soak up the information. 

Cooperation with the environmental research station Schneefernerhaus and Vivalpin mountain school

Together with representatives of the environmental research station Schneefernerhaus, which conducts research in many specialist areas below the Zugspitze summit, the glacier trail (an information theme trail ) was completely revised and redesigned. At the heart of this was the realization that the data situation is changing faster and faster, the graphs and overviews are already outdated after just a few years and the latest findings on the rapid melting of the Northern Schneeferner Glacier on the Zugspitze have been incorporated. 
"It is important to us to provide guests with well-founded knowledge along the way and thus ensure greater awareness," says Laura Schmidt, spokeswoman for the Schneefernerhaus.

Together with the Vivalpin mountain and ski school, a further educational offer has been created: Several times a week, a mountain guide leads guests across the Nördlicher Schneeferner and talks about developments and dangers in the high alpine terrain. This extended glacier tour lasts 2 hours and can be booked online in advance at