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Conscious breathing

on the mountain


Healthy, strong and happy


A synonym for great challenges - but also for pure freedom, boundlessness and vastness. A place that makes experiences purer, purer and more intense.


Something that happens all the time, unconsciously. Conscious breathing, on the other hand, can change a lot with us and within us.

During the workshop based on the Wim Hof ​​method, a complete peace of mind sets in. Wim Hof ​​himself says: "This method connects us with ourselves, other people and with nature." What better place for this than the Zugspitze - where nature is rough, beautiful and unfiltered in all its facets.

The participants at the BERGATMEN workshop have one impression above all: an incomparable emotional clarity and calm. The feelings that arise and are released are unfiltered, razor-sharp and at the same time deeply peaceful.


Cold water, ice, clarity. Breathe deeply. Consciously feel your body.

Seconds and minutes fly by in the icy water while all participants are completely focused on themselves. And at the end, you realise what you are capable of. The senses become razor-sharp, the breath calm and the head clear. Plus: A feeling of happiness that is hard to describe.